Interesting post on Fred Wilson's blog.
"... I started visiting Facebook every day and I found it way too busy. I was having a hard time finding the information I cared about inside all the other information there, most of which I was already seeing on Twitter."
Pretty much as I suggested a few months ago.
"Also, social networks in the real world rarely grow indefinitely and infinitely large. Maintaining relationships in the real world requires an expenditure of effort, which puts an upper limit on effective network size. As we move through the paces of our lives, we often prune the outer, less intimate branches of our social networks. On the internet, it's easy to "add a friend" and the maintenance costs (a little storage at pennies per gigabyte) are low and getting lower. But there is almost certainly an inverse relationship between the value of (personal) information shared on a social network and the size of the audience, which ultimately is a negative network effect."